Triathlon Training

This summer Hannah, who oversees Life Box kids, has decided to combine her attempts to achieve a beach body with an opportunity to raise some money for Life Box. Bravely (or naively) she has signed herself to partake in a Triathlon.

A triathlon consists of a swim, a cycle and a run. Before training, Hannah would describe herself as a competent breast-stroke swimmer; but with a nightmare of a spin class under her belt and the running skills of a teenager for a bus, completing the race will be no easy task.

Her first run attempt, witnesses can verify, consisted of 5 minute intervals- 4 minutes 30 of each being walked.

Hannah is learning several lessons during her training: that the key to breathing during front crawl is to hum theme tunes, that the "duck run" technique leads to injury, that gym cycling is not representative of "real life" cycling, and yes the park wardens do close the gates at night. She would also like to tip her swimming cap to anyone who has to get in and out of a wetsuit on a regular basis.

The past few months training have aligned with some really exciting events for Life Box: our launch in May, our first shelter drop, mass donations from various places and of course the recent launch of our website. Hannah is hoping to raise £1,000 to help us support and encourage more vulnerable women and children fleeing domestic violence. Please give generously!