Newsletter Edition 1

Welcome to the first edition of Life Box quarterly Newsletter!

It has been an amazing start to the year for Life Box but before we go into what has happened this quarter lets recap some of the highlights of 2015.

  • We completed our first ever shelter run, servicing a total of 40 women and children.
  • Hannah Spearman Head of Life Box Kids completed her first triathlon and raised over £1000.00 for Life Box.
  • We received huge donations from the likes of Lush, Birchbox and other generous sponsors.
  • We showcased the new Life Box Website.
  • We donated £500.00 worth of goods to a neighbouring shelter over Christmas.
  • We expanded our new sponsors which in turn increased our funding.

As you can see we have seen a lot of movement during the launch of Life Box and this quarter we have seen God do more than we could ever imagine.              

    So what has been happening in 2016?

    • We completed our second Life Box Run.
    • We increased our capacity and now service two shelters in our local community.
    • We received an amazing response from the women within the shelter and received positive feedback about the impact of the visit.
    • We were able to financially support one of the children in the shelter by part paying for an extracurricular activity of their choice.
    • We have seen a total of 10 people (includes women and children) come to church since our first run in February.

    We are so very excited about what God is doing within Life Box and could not do this without the prayers, support and generosity of our sponsors. Please pray for us as we continue through the year, we have some exciting things planned but you will have to wait to hear all about that in our next newsletter!

    Please remember us in your prayers for the following:

    • That the women and children would experience the love of Jesus.
    • That we would see an increase in the amount of monthly financial donations so that we can continue the work.
    • That we would obtain external funding.
    • That our coffee & prayer mornings at the shelter would produce fruit.
    • The leaders of Life Box would remain energised, innovative, whilst following God’s lead.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read this we pray God blesses you as you continue to support the work of Life Box.

    Addy Spearman – Founder of Life Box